Campers will take a deep dive into the art inspired by the ocean and then fly off to space for some stellar art creations. Campers may choose between a space ‘color-scratch’ design or maze game with 3-D elements on a ceramic canvas, get cool with some ice tye-dying and build our own sensory water wands! We’ll paint ‘rustic-wooden’ pottery boat bowls, which after fired will be a succulent table-scape garden! Plus NEW resin keychains!
Since this is a ‘Camp Creativity’ camp, campers will have more choices of project choices with a loose theme of space and ocean inspired ideas.
Ages: 6-14 please send a lunch with camper/s
$425 includes materials, tools and instruction.
Receive $25 per camper when you sign up 2 campers:
Use coupon code: sibling24
No refunds if an artist does not attend camp, misses any days or cancels